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ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Proteins: From Multidrug Resistance to Genetic Diseases

February 26 - March 3, 2023
AC Hotel Mariott, Innsbruck, Austria


Dear Colleagues & Friends:

Several Advanced Lecture Courses and eight previous Special Meetings established the tradition of the ABC Meetings in Austria. Here, we proudly announce the 9th FEBS Special Meeting on ABC Proteins - ABC2023 in Innsbruck, Austria.

ABC2023 will cover all basic and applied aspects of ABC proteins, both in normal and cancer cells, their important roles in genetic diseases as well as drug resistance phenomena in cancer or microbial systems.

Leading scientists from all over the world and representatives of major pharmaceutical companies will present and discuss latest news on ABC proteins operating in bacteria, fungi, plants, parasites and humans. We were able to commit numerous leading experts to participate, with many new faces attending as plenary speakers.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Innsbruck, Austria

Gergely Szakacs
Ute Hellmich
Thomas Stockner
Yasuhisa Kimura
Hiro Nakamura
Richard Callaghan
Susan Cole
Susan Michaelis
Tappei Takada
Robert Tampé
Karl Kuchler

Invited Speakers

Anja Böckmann (FR)

Ineke Braakman (NL)

Ditlev Brodersen (DK)

Oliver Einsle (DE)

Damian C. Ekiert (US)

Iqbal Hamza (US)

Voula Kanelis (CA)

Youngsook Lee (KR)

Elaine Leslie (CA)

Beth A. McCormick (US)

Christopher A. McDevitt (AU)

Robert S. Molday (CA)

Hiro Nakamura (JP)

Benjamin Orlando (US)

Doug C. Rees (US)

Mercedes Rincon (US)

Dirk J. Slotboom (NL)

Zhe-Sheng Chen (US)

Natalie Strynadka (CA)

Robert Tampé (DE)

Scientific Program

Keynote Opening Lecture: “The vast substrate diversity of plant ABC proteins”, Youngsook Lee (KR)

ABC2023 Keynote Plenary Lecture: Doug C. Rees (US)

Symposium 1: Structure & Function of ABC Proteins

Symposium 2: Regulation of ABCs & Conformational Dynamics

Symposium 3: Mechanisms of ABC Proteins

Symposium 4: Impact of ABC Proteins on Human Diseases

Symposium 5: ABC Proteins in Xenobiotic Disposition

Workshops and Short Talks | Junior Investigator Short Talks | PhD & Postdoc Talks | Poster Bullets

General Information & Updates

Registration for ABC2023 will open in November, allowing for online registration, abstract submission, and application for YTF or ABC2023 grants.

  1. The good news is that we received funding from FEBS, which will allow us to organize ABC2023 under the auspices of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies!
  2. As soon as the contract with FEBS is signed, we will launch the registration website which will state the registration fees and will also allow online registration, abstract submission, and application for YTF or ABC2023 grants. This webiste will then direct to the new course website at FEBS.
  3. The FEBS support will allow us to offer several merit-based Youth Travel Fund (YTF) Grants; additional funding will finance ABC2023 grants to contribute to the registration or travel costs of selected participants. More information will be available when the registration goes online at the new website.

Organizing Committee

Gergely Szakacs (AT)*

Ute Hellmich (DE)*

Thomas Stockner (AT)

Yasuhisa Kimura (JP)

Hiro Nakamura (JP)

Richard Callaghan (GB)

Susan Cole (CA)

Susan Michaelis (US)

Tappei Takada (JP)

Robert Tampé (DE)

Karl Kuchler (AT)

* Main Organizers

Main Sponsor

FEBS logo FEBS: Founded on 1st January 1964, The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) has become one of Europe's largest organizations in the molecular life sciences, with over 36,000 members across more than 35 biochemistry and molecular biology societies (its 'Constituent Societies') in different countries of Europe and neighbouring regions. As a grass-roots organization FEBS thereby provides a voice to a large part of the academic research and teaching community in Europe and beyond. more...